Friday, January 18, 2019

Dessert Rose Beginnings (Adenium Obesum)

 ğŸ˜Š Silly me... I have had a Blogging utility but have not really used it.  I have been sharing with a Friend about growing desert roses from seeds and she says I should write a blog.   I was trying to figure out ways to make products I work on more interesting.  I think my friend has a great idea.

So here goes my adventure growing my own Desert Roses From Seeds...  I will follow up with some interesting seed purchases.


Years ago I saw a Desert Rose and fell in Love.  In the Harry Potter movies when they were growing and handling Mandrake root, they looked a lot like dessert roses.  I keep my desert roses around my pond in the summer and pull them in the house once the temperature drops below 50 degrees.

Some years; I am lucky and I can catch the seeds as they burst from pods. They burst out and fly away on the winds.  These are the seeds I captured.  Some people seal the pods to harvest all seeds.  I have not tried that and I am resistant to do so.

Once you pluck the seeds from the "fuze" it is good to soak for 24 hours in water.  I find the ones that do not sink are duds.  Those are thrown out.  The rest I capture from the bottom of the jar.  I plant them in general medium used in most seed starter kits. I have used Jiffy greenhouse starter kits, but this year I have been using Burpee.  I like how they capture and distribute water.

I always am always excited when the plants a little kid watching their first seeds grow.  They took about 4 days from planting before they started.

This is about a week later this is where we are at.  They are going quickly.

I will update as they continue to grow.  I hope to have several ready for sale in the spring.

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